Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Valentine's Day Sucks For Me, But My Eye Candy is Back!

As promised myself, I am back blogging again. Everyday is probably not a realistic goal for me, but once a week, maybe a bit more, seems manageable. It just dawned on me that tomorrow is Valentine's Day, so of course I am dreading the day. I'll get through it I am sure, but it will be a rough day since I didn't even share one Valentine's Day with Bobby :( I thought to myself that maybe I should have done the honesty bit after V-Day so I could have at least had that day with him lol. It seems like people usually break up before this day for some sick reason. On a positive front, my former hot eye candy has started going the gym again, so that at least gives me something nice to look at as I sweat it out. His name is Chris, and I started talking to him last year at the gym. He is a very hot and sweet guy. Did I mention he is HOT! lol Anyhow, I had such a crush on him, but I had a couple strikes against me, so I never made a move. First, at the time, he was 17, so I didn't think the jail bait thing was a good idea. Second, and most sad, he is straight. He has a GF that he talked about, but I thought I got some vibes from him sometimes. Either my gaydar was way off, or it was total wishful thinking on my part. Anyhow, it will be cool to have a friend at the gym, especially a cute one! Besides, I am definitely steering clear of the relationship thing for a while. To all the happy couples out there, have a great day tomorrow!


Matt in Argyle said...

he man, I just got the message you left me on meebo (which I should really sign onto more often!). Nice blog, I look forward to reading more.
all the best

Anonymous said...

Your still lusting for Chris at the Gym LOL. Nothing wrong with that though. I think its a good distraction for you to focus on other stuff anyways. Don't let Valentine's day get you down. There are many more to come, your young still! I think its good that you also don't plan on rushing into another relationship so soon. From experience, tends to not go well if your out there seeking love but its best when it happens when you least expect it! Just enjoy life and let it come to you when its time! Ok I'm writing a book here!!! I'll email you soon!
Take care my friend!